Publication Directions

Below are guidelines for submitting entries to the Publications page of the Utah State Poetry Society website. Submissions that do not follow these guidelines may not be accepted.

If you are a paid-up member of the UTSPS and have had your poetry published within the last 10 years, you may submit information about your poetry book or chapbook. Email the required details as outlined below to the web site manger, Paul Ford.

Please provide the following information for your poetry publication:

Your name: (this is how you want it displayed)

Your contact details: (this is optional; if you want to give out your email address I think this would be best, but will abide by your decision; I strongly recommend not listing your phone number or your home address)

Publication type: (eg, book, chapbook, or other type of poetry publication)

Published by: (eg, self-published, name of publisher)

Publisher’s website: (this is optional; this can be your personal website for your poetry or the commercial publisher’s site)

Date of publication:

Brief Description: (no more than 3 sentences, just a summary)

Cost: (this is the publication’s price; if self-published, identify additional fees such as sales tax and/or standard shipping cost)

How to purchase: (you can include a direct link to your book on a book seller’s website such as or on your own poetry book selling website; if a buyer must contact you directly, then provide your email for inquiries on how to purchase)

A sample poem: (this is optional; the poem can be included directly in the email text or as an attachment in one of the following formats: Microsoft Word .doc/.docx, Rich Text Format .rtf, or Portable Document Format .pdf)